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Website Notice: Most online self-service options will be temporarily unavailable starting at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, and lasting through Tuesday, April 1. Please make start, stop, or transfer service requests prior to 5 p.m. on March 24. Please make payments before 5 p.m. on March 26, as the system cannot process payments during the technology upgrade. The upgrade will not impact your electric service. For more information, please visit We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
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Bill Pay

Save time, energy and money with OG&E’s billing and payment options. OG&E offers flexibility to manage your account in the way that best suits you.

Man sitting at desk on laptop.

Pay My Bill

It's quick and easy to pay your bill online. You can also set up Auto Pay or change your payment method.
Woman sitting on her phone.

Pay As Guest

Make a payment towards your bill or on behalf of an existing OG&E customer – all without signing in. All you need is the account number.
Hero shot a man at desk looking at the camera.

Manage My Energy Budget

You choose. Pay by mail, phone or online. Choose Auto Pay or Paperless Billing. Easily choose the right billing and payment options for your lifestyle.

Billing and Payment Options

Man smiling at the camera on his laptop.

Insights About Home Energy Use

Energy Insights allows you to monitor your electricity use monthly, weekly and even daily. This free, online tool – with easy-to-read charts and graphs – helps you view and track your energy use and get a bill estimate to-date. Learn how you can lower your costs and become more energy conscious.

View Energy Insights

Understand My Bill

Understand My Bill

This interactive guide helps explain the layout and content of your bill, so you can better manage your budget.

Explore Interactive Bill


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