Construction Services
Business - Construction Services
Close up of OGE member using a circular saw and sparks flying.
New Construction, New Electric Needs
Are you an electrician, architect, engineer or manufactured home dealer? OG&E will provide support for your electric service needs throughout your project.
Start Your Project

Fill out our online application to expedite your request for a new construction project.

Track Your Project

If you have any questions about a specific project, please contact your OG&E project manager or OG&E's Business Advantage Group in customer service.

Contact Us

To establish new service or check status of a meter inspection, call a new construction representative at 405-619-6500 or 1-800-380-4643 or email at

Family walking through a home during construction.

Call Before You Dig

Locate electrical lines beforehand so you and everyone around you can stay safe.

Oklahoma: 811 or 1-800-522-OKIE

Arkansas: 1-800-482-8998

OG&E female employee walking up stairs wearing her proper safety required equipment

Safety First, Safety Always

We prioritize safety in all decisions about the resources, site, and work performed. We believe our valued customers should also adapt these safe practices.

Learn More About Our Safety Culture

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Average Monthly Billing
Level out unpredictable bills with Average Monthly Billing.