Business - myOGEalerts FAQs
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How Alerts Work
What type of alerts can I sign up to receive?

We offer three types of alerts: text, phone, and email. You can choose how you want to be contacted. You can set quiet hours for text and voice so that you won’t be disturbed at inconvenient times.

Will I be charged for receiving text messages from you?

OG&E does not charge you, but the standard data rates from your provider will apply.

I choose to get phone alerts. If I don't answer my phone when you call, will you leave a voicemail?


Will you send me an alert in the middle of the night?

Only if you want us to! You can set quiet hours so that you’ll only receive notifications in the time frames when you want them.

Can I get alerts for someone else's account?

Customers only have access to set up their own alerts, but they can add you so that you’ll receive notification. For example, if you’d like to get notifications when your parents have an outage, they can add your contact information in their account.

How quickly will I start receiving alerts?

If you have an existing online account with OG&E, you can start receiving alerts immediately. If you set up your account today, you can sign up and start receiving notifications tomorrow.

Why do I have to set up an account to receive notifications?

You need to sign in to so that we can link your account information with the notification system.

Can I see my previous alerts?

Yes. Visit and click on Messages on the left side of the screen. 

I signed up for alerts but haven’t received any. Why not?

You should receive a confirmation message right after you sign up. If you don’t, confirm that you typed your contact information correctly. Also, check your quiet hours – we won’t disturb you during those times.

Can I text questions about my account?

Not at this time. If you have questions about your account, you can visit or call 800-272-9741.

I have more questions. Who can I call?

You can submit a Contact Us form or visit the Help Center for answers to frequently asked questions.

Managing Alert Preferences
Can I sign up for more than one form of communication?

Yes. We offer text, phone, and email alerts. You can sign up for all three if you wish.

Can I send alerts to more than one person?

Yes, you can send alerts up to five separate email addresses or phone numbers per account.

Can I change my alerts after I set them up?

Yes, you can visit to change your alerts at any time.

How do I stop receiving alerts?

You can remove your email address or phone number from at any time.

I changed my alert contact preferences. How quickly will that take effect?

Your changes will take place immediately.

How do quiet hours work?

You select times when you would prefer to not receive text or phone notifications. We’ll only contact you outside of that time period. If you choose email notifications, you will continue to receive those during your quiet hours.

If I change the email address that I use to sign in to, will I get my alerts at the new email address?

Not necessarily. Changing your username only changes how you sign in to To change where you receive notifications, go to

Outage Alerts
Why don’t I receive an alert right away when my power goes out?

Our system briefly delays customer notifications until we can confirm that there truly is an outage.

There was a large storm. Why didn’t I receive an alert that told me when my power would be back on?

In large outage events, like a large storm or tornado, there is often too much damage for us to give an accurate estimate of when customers should expect their power to be back on.

How can I get more information about my outage?

You can always visit to view current outage information. Make sure that you’ve signed in to your account to be able to see when we expect your power to be back on.

I didn’t get a notification during an outage. Why?

There are a couple of reasons why you may not have received a notification. We don’t send notifications during very short outages. Also, confirm that your contact information is entered correctly. Finally, remember that we won’t contact you via phone or text during your quiet hours. You can change your quiet hours at any time.

I saw a power line that is down or I have information about an outage. Can I just respond to one of my notifications to tell you?

No, for the quickest response, please call 405-272-9595 to report this information.

I signed up for Outage Alerts. What kind of alerts will I receive?

We’ll send you an alert when we believe there is an outage near an address associated with your account. In many outages we can also tell you when we expect your power will be back on, and text you when our system shows it is on.

I have questions about outages. Where can I find more information?

Click here to view the Outage FAQs
