OG&E offers specialized plans for large businesses to help save thousands of dollars every year. Contact your account representative or call an energy specialist at 888-988-9747.
The Day Ahead Pricing Program lets businesses lower their energy costs by shifting use to the times of the day when rates are lower. OG&E notifies you of hourly rates the day before, so you can plan your day and save money. If demand reductions are not needed, standard pricing is used.
Flex Pricing
Sign up for Flex Pricing and committed use energy during low-cost times, which account for almost 90 percent of the entire year. You’ll pay a much lower price for electricity and lower your electric bill. You’ll receive access to Rate Tamer, a tool that puts you in control of energy usage in your business.
Load Reduction Program
Our performance-based Load Reduction program offers financial incentives to commercial and industrial customers that curtail their electrical load when notified by OG&E. You subscribe to an amount of demand reduction, and if you reduce your usage during a called event, you receive a discount.