Helpful Resources for our Customers

Check out the information below to learn more about being an OG&E customer and how to stay safe around electricity.

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Keeping You & Your Family Safe
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Oklahoma Customer Guide
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OG&E Disconnection Policy
Lend a Hand

Helping Others

Lend-a-Hand gives you the chance to help those having trouble paying their utility bills by adding a few extra dollars to your OG&E bill payment. Your tax-deductible contribution is forwarded to The Salvation Army, which distributes the money to help pay for electricity, gas, fuel or firewood for your neighbors in need.

Make a donation

For more information, contact The Salvation Army office in your area. To locate the nearest office of The Salvation Army, call 405-840-0735.

Scams and Security

Scammers have been targeting our customers by phone, email and door-to-door, saying they work for OG&E. Be aware of our process for contacting our customers, so you don’t fall victim to these scams.

If it doesn’t seem like it’s OG&E on the phone, hang up and contact us immediately. The only verified numbers to pay your bill by phone, which can also be found on your monthly bill, are 405-272-9741 (in the OKC metro), 800-272-9741 (outside the OKC metro) or you can call U.S. Payments at 877-306-9274 (fees will apply). What you should know:

  • We will not call and ask for your full bank information or credit card number over the phone.
  • We will not demand that you pay ANY bill with a pre-paid debit card.
  • We will not call you directly even if your balance is past due and ask for payment.
  • We will not call you to ask for a payment over the phone.
  • We will not ask that you meet in person to make a payment.
  • We will not come to your house or business to collect payment in cash.
  • We will not call and threaten immediate disconnection without prior notice.
  • We will not come to your home demanding payment or selling products like solar panels.
Learn How to Stay Safe
  • Online Imposters
  • Phones and Email Scams
  • Door-to-Door
  • Keeping Your Information Secure
  • Scammers are manipulating search results through common search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing and using fraudulent 800 numbers imitating payment processors to lead customers to believe they are calling us to pay their bill. Here are some tips to avoid falling into these traps:

    • Always visit for verified OG&E phone numbers or use the U.S. Payments phone number (fees will apply) printed directly on your OG&E monthly bill.
    • Call OG&E at 405-272-9741 (in the OKC metro) or 800-272-9741 (outside the OKC metro) or U.S. Payments at 877-306-9274 (fees will apply).
    • Verify the phone number before giving any information over the phone. U.S. Payments is the only third-party payment processor for OG&E.
    • Do not use search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing to pay your bill online. Below are all of the secure ways to pay your bill:
      • Pay online at - no additional fees apply when using a bank account
      • Pay on the OG&E mobile app - no additional fees apply when using a bank account
      • Pay by text by signing up for myOGEalerts - no additional fees apply
      • Pay by phone by calling OG&E at 405-272-9741 (in the OKC metro) or 800-272-9741 (outside the OKC metro) or by calling U.S. Payments at 877-306-9274 (fees will apply)
      • Pay in person by going to one of these kiosk locations (fees will apply)
      • Pay by mail - no additional fees apply.
    • Verify that you are on the official OG&E website when conducting web searches:
      • Scammers will closely mimic our site but often have misspellings or extra characters. Check for inconsistencies in the domain name and site pages.
      • Look for a padlock icon in the address bar. This signifies a secure connection, providing an extra layer of protection.

    Consider using the OG&E app for secure payments, sign up for myOGEalerts, or visit here for other safe ways to pay.

Understand My Bill

Explore this interactive guide to learn more about what’s included and better manage your budget.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) gives California residents certain rights regarding their personal information. For more details and information about how we use and protect your personal information, please visit our CCPA-FAQ
