Build a More Positive Future

Your perfect home shouldn’t involve compromises. Choosing an OG&E Positive Energy Home gives you the power to achieve the comfortable, energy-efficient lifestyle you deserve—right when you move in.

Family in the kitchen, with the kids helping their dad mix a cake while the mother is on the laptop.

A Higher Standard of Efficiency

Positive Energy Homes deliver greater comfort, increase energy efficiency, and reduce utility cost. They provide significant construction value and overall quality, and they meet or exceed all specifications of a 2010 Energy Star® home.
Close up of lit up LED light bulb being held

A Forward-Thinking Investment

When building a new home, energy conservation is important. We focus on four key areas: improved insulation, high-performance windows, airtight ducts and construction, and high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment.

Man and woman smiling at each other while working on a sofa.

A Blueprint for Success

Our energy experts will help you get started by reviewing your house plans and identifying energy-saving solutions that can save you money for years. We will thoroughly inspect your home during and after construction to ensure it meets or exceeds our strict building standards.

What is a Positive Energy Home?

Build a More Positive Future

With an OG&E Positive Energy Home, you can achieve the comfortable, energy-efficient lifestyle you’ve always wanted—from the moment you move in.

Young boy and girl sitting laughing on the couch.

Get Started Today

Email us at to learn more about the energy-saving possibilities of a Positive Energy Home in Arkansas or Oklahoma.

Stay Safe while Working Outside

Keep electrical safety in mind before digging or starting construction.

OGE service truck.

Call Before You Dig

Oklahoma: Call Okie at 811 or submit a request online.


Arkansas: Contact the One Call System at 811 or submit a request online.

What is a Positive Energy Home?

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Parents holding their children and laughing.
Reduce your carbon footprint and save.
Two little girls sitting and laughing in front of a fan.
Home Energy Efficiency
Keep cool and save more.
Close up of woman adjusting her thermostat in her home
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