Harness the Sun
Our solar farms make it easy to power your life with an environmentally-friendly energy source, without having to buy or maintain your own solar panels.
OG&E offers Solar Power for customers to run their homes, apartment or business with solar energy.
Customers who sign up for solar will be switched to a SmartHours Fixed (TOU) rate which will offer great discounts during off-peak hours in the summer.
OG&E’s solar farms generate clean electricity and supply it to the grid.
Anyone can use solar — apartments, homes or businesses. No rooftop panels are needed.
You’ll receive great discounts in off-peak hours in the summer.
It’s quick and easy to sign up and save.
Generate your own energy.
Investment is required for rooftop solar panel installation to your home or business.
Utilize OG&E’s low rates during off-peak hours in the summer when the sun isn't shining!
Federal Tax credits may be available.
Do you own or rent a house?
Are you interested in joining a solar power program?
Do you want solar panels on your roof?
Does your roof have good solar exposure?
Do you have capital to purchase a system or are you prepared to finance the initial investment?
Are you planning on moving within the next 20 years?
Based on your answers, Customer-Owned Solar sounds like the best option for you at this time. Keep in mind, as OG&E continues to enhance and improve our solar program, Solar Power Program may become a more efficient and cost-effective choice for you in the near future.
It’s quick and easy to sign up for OG&E Solar Power! Our solar farms have limited capacity, so you may be placed on a waitlist if the program is temporarily full. Get started today.
Based on your answers, Solar may not be the best option for you at this time. Keep in mind, as OG&E continues to enhance and improve our solar programs, more efficient and cost-effective choices may become available to you in the near future.
Please select any one option.
To enroll in the Customer-Owned Solar Program, you must meet the following requirements:
A trusted partner for OG&E's customer-owned solar program
The government will give you free solar panels.
You may come across scammy solar advertisements about “free solar panels from the government.” This isn’t true; you can go solar for $0 down with a solar loan or lease, but federal and state governments do not provide free solar panel installations.
While the government won’t cover the cost of a solar panel installation, they do subsidize the upfront cost of purchasing a solar panel system through various solar incentives. The federal investment tax credit (ITC) allows you to claim 26 percent of the cost of your solar installation as a credit towards what you owe in federal taxes.
Going solar means going off the grid.
It is possible to install an off-grid solar panel system with the use of solar batteries, but the majority of solar panel installations are grid-tied. This allows you to use solar energy produced by your system during the day and draw electricity from the grid after the sun is down.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t cover all of your electricity needs with a solar panel system. OG&E will provide credits on your electricity bill for excess energy produced during the day because of a policy called net metering. With net metering, you’ll only be charged for the net amount of energy you’re using from the grid. If you generate more electricity than you use in a given month, you can use those net metering credits on a future bill.
Solar panels won’t work in the winter.
Solar panels need sunshine to generate electricity. You will likely generate less solar power in the winter months than summer because of fewer sunlight hours.
When your solar panels are covered in snow, they will not be generating power. Fortunately, solar panels are designed to bear a certain amount of weight and the snow shouldn’t cause any issues. Additionally, most panels are tilted at an angle so next time the sun comes out, the snow will slide off on its own.
Never pay an electric bill again.
While not impossible, it is highly unlikely to have a residential solar system that covers 100% of consumption.
It is impossible to produce 100% of consumption without batteries to store the energy produced during the day, to be used at night, when the panels cannot produce electricity.
Typically, customers are able to offset their consumption during peak times, when energy is more expensive, therefore providing savings on your electric bill. In addition to your usage, you will always have a meter charge, other riders, fees and taxes
I can expect to pay and save the same amount as my neighbor with solar panels.
Solar is not one-size-fits-all — each system is custom-designed for a roof and the amount of sunlight it receives. Even on the same street, the orientation of your roof may mean you receive more or less sunlight than your neighbor. This will increase the amount of electricity you can produce but could also mean a larger monthly payment than your neighbor with a smaller array.
Solar doesn’t make sense if the panels don’t cover 100 percent of my power.
Although rooftop solar cannot typically offset your entire electricity bill, it often decreases the amount you pay each month — even though you’re using the same amount of energy. Our PPA and Lease customers typically save money on their energy costs because they end up purchasing less electricity from their utility.
Residential OG&E Solar Power Program Time of Use Rates*
Summer: Time of Use (June - September)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
Oklahoma Solar Power Program Standard Price: 9.8¢
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.4¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.27¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
Arkansas Solar Power Program Standard Price: 7.8¢
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 19¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.8¢
Winter (October - May)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
First 1,000 KWh: 6.35¢
All additional KWh: 2.43¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
All month: 2.8¢
Commercial OG&E Solar Power Program Time of Use Rates*
Summer: Time of Use (June - September)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
Oklahoma Solar Power Program Standard Price: 9.8¢
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.8¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.21¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
Arkansas Solar Power Program Standard Price: 7.8¢
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.5¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 2.1¢
Winter (October - May)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
First 1,000 KWh: 6.8¢
All additional KWh: 3.21¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
All month: 2.1¢
*Does not include cost of fuel, taxes and other fees
Residential Customer-Owned Solar Time of Use Rates*
Summer: Time of Use (June - September)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
Low Production Days & Nights
When the sun isn't shining in the summer—like on cloudy days or overnight—you'll pay a variable rate.
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.4¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.27¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
Low Production Days & Nights
When the sun isn't shining in the summer—like on cloudy days or overnight—you'll pay a variable rate.
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 19¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.8¢
Winter (October - May)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
First 1,000 KWh: 6.35¢
All additional KWh: 2.43¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
All month: 2.8¢
Commercial Customer-Owned Solar Time of Use Rates*
Summer: Time of Use (June - September)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
Low Production Days & Nights
When the sun isn't shining in the summer—like on cloudy days or overnight—you'll pay a variable rate.
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.8¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 3.21¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
Low Production Days & Nights
When the sun isn't shining in the summer—like on cloudy days or overnight—you'll pay a variable rate.
On-peak weekday hours, 2-7 p.m.: 18.5¢
Off-peak weekdays, all weekend, all holidays: 2.1¢
Winter (October - May)
Oklahoma Solar Time of Use Rates
First 1,000 KWh: 6.8¢
All additional KWh: 3.21¢
Arkansas Solar Time of Use Rates
All month: 2.1¢
*Does not include cost of fuel, taxes and other fees
Clicking continue below will open the PowerClerk® website, where you can fill out and submit an electronic application to join OG&E's Rooftop Solar Program.
PowerClerk® is a trusted vendor OG&E has partnered with to simplify the Distributed Energy Program enrollment process for our customers.
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