Benefits of Geothermal Energy Systems

Geothermal systems transfer heat from the earth to your home in the winter and vice-versa in summer. This saves you up to 60% on your heating, cooling, and water bills.

Family playing and laughing on a sofa in their living room.


Federal tax credits make installing a geothermal system more affordable than ever. Even with the up-front costs, you’ll experience greater comfort and savings every month for the next 20-30 years.
Mom, daughter and son all sitting at the kitchen table working on different activities


Unlike conventional systems, geothermal units are mostly indoors and underground, meaning they consistently perform regardless of outside elements and air temperatures.

Mom and daughter sitting in grass petting a kitten

Low Maintenance

Geothermal units have few moving parts to wear out, break down or maintain, and they are quieter than outside condenser fan units.

Where Your Energy Goes

If you’re curious to know how energy is used in your home, you’ve come to the right place.

Mom and dad playing with kids in the living room

Home Energy Efficiency Education

Take a look at how energy is used in a typical home and, more importantly, ways we can be more efficient and save money.

Visit our Home Energy Efficiency Page

Going Geothermal

Whether you’re building a new home or want to integrate geothermal into your existing property, OG&E can help.

Husband and wife sitting on front porch looking at an ipad

Get Started

Email or call 877-898-1759 today to learn more about our Geothermal program.

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