The Foundation’s giving programs support nonprofit organizations throughout our service area. In 2022, the financial investments from the Foundation topped $3 million. In addition to our focus on supporting early math and science education, we also support human services, the arts and community development organizations. The Foundation also matches employee contributions to institutions of higher education.
Visit our Education page to learn more

- Be a U.S.-based IRS 501(c)(3) qualified charitable or educational organization or an accredited K-12 educational institution
- Be geographically located where OG&E operates
- Serve communities without discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation or national origin
- Have a method by which to measure, track, and report program outcomes and specific results that demonstrate measurable community impact
- An individual person or families
- Building or Capital investments and improvements
- Dinners, luncheons or other forms of indirect support
- Organizations that are not 501(c)(3) organizations
- Political parties or candidates
- Religious activities, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furthering religious doctrine. The Foundation will consider funding faith-based organizations which provide services to all clients regardless of denomination
- Sports teams/events such as tournaments (other than Special Olympics)
- Organizations offering goods or services to employees as a benefit of grant approval (e.g., participation in golf tournaments, reservations at fundraising dinners, tickets to special events, etc.)
We offer grants through DonorsChoose, a nonprofit that funds public school classroom projects, to support teachers and promote STEM education.
To get started, visit DonorsChoose to apply for a grant.