Long Description for Key Emissions for OG&E Owned and Operated Fleet per year (in metric tons) chart
The line graph chart shows the key emissions generated by OG&E's owned and operated fleet for 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020,2022 and 2023. Over 15 years, the chart shows a steady decrease in key emissions for each 5-year period.
Numerical values presented on the chart image:
Year | Sulfur Dioxide (Metric Tons) | Nitrogen Oxides (Metric Tons) | Carbon Dioxide (Metric Tons) |
2005 | 45,777 | 35,690 | 23,992,764 |
2010 | 37,351 | 28,148 | 23,125,013 |
2015 | 24,706 | 11,319 | 18,839,633 |
2020 | 3,936 | 9,404 | 12,287,672 |
In 5-year increments, the line graph represents the amount of key emissions per year in metric tons for Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Dioxide. Emissions listed for the time period are represented using lines descending left to right horizontally, with dots indicating the amount of emissions for the year listed.

We believe it is critical to equip our customers with the resources and tools necessary to make smart energy choices. We offer energy efficiency and demand response programs, such as SmartHours™, to help our customers save money, manage their usage, and support our efforts to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Our SmartHours program allows customers to shift their electricity use to lower cost “off-peak” times giving them more control over how they use energy for their homes and businesses.
We’re empowered to reduce greenhouse emissions by making smart choices on behalf of our company. Upgrading 100% of our light-duty vehicle fleet to electric vehicles by 2030 allows us to meet our goal of reducing the company’s fleet vehicle emissions by 60 percent by 2030. And we’re also integrating fuel efficient vehicles that use Electric Power Take Off (ePTO) equipment while retiring our medium and heavy-duty trucks wherever possible.
Our Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) measure emissions from our power plants around the clock. These state-of-the-art systems allow us to verify compliance and quantify the emission reductions we invest in on behalf of our communities and are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.