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OG&E's Fishing Clinics: A Splash of Fun and Learning
Free fishing clinics at OG&E power plants.
Jun 19, 2024

OG&E teamed up with Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC), and the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation (OWCF) to host two free fishing clinics, teaching kids from Shawnee Boys and Girls Club and LeFlore County schools about fishing and conservation. 

The clinics took place at OG&E’s Horseshoe Lake and River Valley power plants where OG&E volunteers helped the kids enjoy the outdoors. Every kid took home a fishing pole, along with knowledge of fishing and how to help protect our natural resources.

OG&E holds these clinics annually in our commitment to environmental education and strengthening our communities. For more information about how OG&E supports and preserves Oklahoma’s biodiversity, visit


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