Young man standing in front of an OGE truck and holding up an OGE scholarship.

Serving Customers

We not only serve nearly 900,000 electric customers, we also power communities in other ways. We’re the largest ad valorem taxpayer in Oklahoma, contributing approximately $90 million annually, which funds public education, libraries and career techs. Our employees also generously give their time and money to support their communities.
Female OGE employee smiling.

Delivering Electricity

With about 7,116 megawatts of capacity, our generation portfolio represents a balanced approach to generating electricity through a diversity of fuel types—67 percent natural gas, 22 percent coal and 7 percent renewable energy (solar and wind). This fuel diversity allows us to maintain system reliability and affordable rates for the people we serve.

Wide shot of an OGE truck and employees working on a powerline.

Working Smarter

We continuously seek opportunities to bring value to our customers and investors through the use of new technology. We were the first public utility in our area to install a Smart Grid, so all customers can participate in the management of their energy use and costs.